Steffest Digitale Pulptuur

Salut from germany - how can i get an invite to use feedtweeter ?

(konterfai at twitter)
Pierro - 12/06/2008 20:26:18 http://htttp://

Hi I am using feedtweeter, but I forgot my twitter password and had to reset it.. and now can't log in! please help? Please email me at
rationalneurotic - 31/05/2009 01:12:49

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Damn, I can't believe I haven't tought of this approach myself, but Ryan Lim did some digging and pulled an unofficial Plurk API out of his sleeve :-)
I's written in PHP.
Here's the original copyright notice.

I translated the bits needed to post a plurk from a 3th party application to vbscript, for use in feedtweeter.
So a few days after plurk2twitter, twitter2plurk is a fact. (And it works!)
Tomorrow I'll update feedtweeter to be able to post to Plurk.


	plurkAccount = "Steffest"
	plurkPass = "*********"
	plurk("hello plurkworld!")
	function plurk(message)
		' big thanks to Ryan Lim for doing the digging
		' translated from
		' this is just a small function to send a plurk
		' for a more complete API:
		url_login = "'"
		url_post = ""
		' first: login
		poststring = "nick_name=" & plurkAccount & "&password=" & plurkPass
		set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.SERVERXMLHTTP")
		objXMLHTTP.Open "POST", url_login, false,plurkAccount,plurkPass
		objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
		objXMLHTTP.Send poststring
		' then send the plurk
		lang = "en"
    	qualifier = ":"
    	nocomments = "0"
		' get the ISO8601date
		postdate = ISO8601date(now(),"+02")
		poststring  = "posted="&postdate&"&qualifier=" & qualifier& "&content="&message&"&lang="&lang&"&no_comments=" & nocomments & "&limited_to="
		objXMLHTTP.Open "POST", url_post, false,plurkAccount,plurkPass
		objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
		objXMLHTTP.Send poststring
		plurk = objXMLHTTP.responseText
		set objXMLHTTP=nothing
	end function
	function ISO8601date(dt,timezone)
		ISO8601date = year(dt) & "-" &  padding(month(dt)) & "-" &  padding(day(dt)) & "T" & hour(dt) & ":" & minute(dt) & ":" &  second(dt) & timezone & ":00"
	end function
	function padding(s)
		if len(s)=1 then
			padding="0" & s
			padding = s	
		end if
	end function