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Youtube FLV video RSS feeds
Hey: 2 surprises today in vista-features that I didn't know:
  1. Media player can rip audio to mp3 instead of only to wma.
    (seems like a huge step forward to me :-) )
  2. Windows media player (and media center) can play flv video files (using the vista codec pahck)
Wow: especially the flv support is a HUGE improvement for me: now we can watch all those Youtube video in our standard media setup, without the need for flash-based flayers, and without the need for further Youtube integration.

Now if only we could get a Youtube rss feed to include the link to the flv file ...
Oh wait ... we can!

This article describes how to obtain the flv file from a Youtube video id.
And the video id is in the Youtube rss feed
And last month i updated my blog software to be able to automatically add a post when an rss feeds updates ...

So I whipped together a script that takes a youtube feed, retrieves all the links to the flv files, and puts that link as the enclosure in the feed, instead of the Youtube player.

Here's the script:

and the results are ...
Youtube feeds with flv enclosures!

The main feeds:

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You can search Youtube by retrieving a tag-based feed.
Or you can get all the video's from a cetain user.
Put those feeds in your favorite aggregator (that knows how to handle flv files) and your done.

For example: to watch the youtube video's from within media center, I use Media Center RSS Reader for Windows Vista
The experience is excellent; video's download automatically, play full screen, and can now be controlled with your standard media center remote.

The next step would be to turn this into a nice media center plugin and expand it to other video sites as well.

Excellent! One reason extra to ditch the standard national tv-channels all together.