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DutchDogs meeting 2008: Smokey bars go web2.0

I went to Amersfoort this weekend for a DutchDogs meetup. (Nothing to do with dogs, btw, it's a Tom Waits thing)
Following an excellent tradition, the Place to Be was the Borra Pub/Theater (Wonderfull place)
Filled with casual live performances, the top of the bill was the first ever live performance of 2 people that knew eachother only from the internet, where they've recorded a whole buch of excellent covers.
He calls himself Waitswatcher, She calls himself Vamosbabe.
Do yourself a favor and go check out their work - it's amazing.
This was the first time they met eachother in person.
The atmosphere was really electric when they took the stage: everybody had huge expectations and - wauw - did they meet them!
I can safely say this was one of the best live performances I ever experienced, not that Waitswatcher played flawlessly, not that Vamosbabe was never out of sync but because of how 2 exceptional nice people played with their heart in such a friendly atmosphere ... very very very impressive.
(Oh and offcourse Waitchwatcher plays the guitar like a dream and Vamosbabe's voice is from heaven ... that helped too :-) )

Several people from the audience recorded it - including me - and to keep things in the spirit of internetsharing: here's a video I mixed together from various sources.
Most of the video Is recorded with my mobile phone
The audio is recorded by Rune with a MiniDisc recorder
Some parts are mixed in from this video from Bjorn, recorded with a small digital camera.
Both guys I've never met before so: thanks for sharing !