Steffest Digitale Pulptuur

Tweetback: @bowa: that rocks !! we ll see how we can feature it :-)
bowa - 03/02/2009 12:20:49

@zipkid via Twitter : Nice :-)
zipkid - 03/02/2009 12:29:45

corneel via Twitter: nice gadget! mss is het wel iets voor de dansvloer bij @netlash
cornaal - 03/02/2009 12:35:47

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Magical Multicolor Lights

[flv src="magical_lights.flv" img="magical_lights.jpg"]
My first (very simple) Arduino project combines Tikitag to create some magical lamps that change color depending on the objects you put in front of them. (and then the magic is gone as the trick is explained)
The sourcecode of all scripts and programming can be downloaded here.