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Launching Twikilist

I'm launching a new little service today: Twikilist
Yes, of course it is twitter enabled, what did you expect ? :-)

Twikilist was created as a simple, open and public registration list for your events.
i love the open and public nature of community-editable systems like wiki's or blogcomments, but i noticed some drawbacks, especially when a lot of people are trying to get their name on the list at the same time.

Enter Twikilist: create a list, select the features you want, spread the word and don't worry about the rest.
Registration lists are easy to embed in your wiki, website or blogpost, or you can use the Twikilist website itself.

Did I mention I love Twitter? And so does Twikilist
By simply checking a box you allow people to register - or unregister - for your event by sending a tweet, giving extra visibility to your event.
For example, if your event is called "TwikiLaunch", sending a tweet @twikilist #TwikiLaunch I'll be there will get on the list (and @twikilist #TwikiLaunch cancel will remove you)

Twikilist was made because Topanga was looking for a nice and simple tool to take the hassle out of public registration lists (And she bribed me with the most delicious dinner I have tasted in the last few years, so how could I refuse?)
It was wipped up in a few evenings so if you find any bugs, let me know.
A big thanks to cubus for doing the CSS design

It's first use is for the Blogborrel, 30th of May in Antwerp - Feel free to join !