Steffest Digitale Pulptuur

maak nu nog eens een 3e optie: tv-vlaanderen!
O. - 25/09/2009 15:48:27

Das misschien niet eens zo'n slechte optie. via zo'n DVB-S kaart moet je dat misschien wel rechtreeks in je mediacenter PC kunnen krijgen.
Een iemand zoeken die zo'n schotel heeft om te testen.
Steffest - 25/09/2009 15:54:12

Most important defect of the Digicorder:

It costs you 100€/year on stand-by power consumption.

That's right. Even if you never switch it on, it will kill Kyoto and your wallet at the same time.

And don't be smart like me and unplug it from the mains when it isn't in use. If you leave the digicorder unpowered for longer then 48 hours it will need to be re-registered with Telenet before it will resume normal operation...

This piece of hardware is a (unavoidable due to closed standards) nightmare.
Koen Delvaux - 25/09/2009 16:08:41

100€/year on stand-by - glwoops!
I asked Telenet if their planning to produce some smartcard solution for PC use, but they "laughed me out of the building" so to speak ...
So I guess we're stuck with their hardware untill we decide to switch providers ...

I hope to address my situation of not being very nice to Kyoto on day ... that's actually something I do feel bad about :-)
(And I hope I can achieve it with some DIY project)
Steffest - 25/09/2009 16:19:45

- 25/09/2009 16:25:06

Biggest problem with Telenet digital TV is the digicorder and the software is one big piece of sluggish bugridden fail
Chris Ramakers - 25/09/2009 19:01:22

I heard the EPG software was written by a student and that wouldn't surprise me
Wolf - 26/09/2009 18:35:09

Maaaar, Belgacom bespaart op de films door de ondertitels niet zelf om te zetten maar gewoon af te halen van het net:
noten? - 30/10/2009 21:59:59

Hah, als we nu het vergelijken zien we hoe dat alles geevolueerd heeft en prijzen zijn niet gedaald...
Ernest - 17/09/2017 20:42:04

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The digital TV battle

I had written a whole rant (dutch) about the big digital TV dilemma.
Man, that was boring, so you can be glad I banned it to the archive

Instead I crafted this highly objective chart of the big question: Telenet or Belgacom?

a clear victory for Telenet. Hooray! (can you tell I'm a little internet focused?)
Enter the Telenet guys!
But man ... what a huge disappointment, I don't know who created their digicorder user interface but it's bad ... really bad.
Let's compare it with our TV experience before: a windows media center

Wow! bad points for the digicorder ...
Solution: Connect the video out from the digicorder to the video in of the mediacenter, attach a IR-blaster between the two so you can control the digicorder from the mediacenter and voila!
voila? hmmm, as the digital signal is converted to analog and back to digital, there's some serious quality loss, so you can forget about the HD ... also the program guide is flaky because you can't have AND the EPG for the analog channels AND the EPG for the digicorder in the same interface ...
Here's the comparison

Is the middle "I want it all" solution even possible without losing your sanity? I don't know, but I do know this: I'll be damned if I let Telenet (or Belgacom for that matter) lock me in their proprietary controlled TV experience.
If any other geek has figured out a better TV solution, please DO tell :-)