Steffest Digitale Pulptuur

USB LED graphic equaliser

Another demo of the LED-matrix screen.
This time I created a program that monitors the audio levels of your PC and renders a graphic equaliser or a simple VU meter on the LED-panel.
Of course the scrolling text is also still present.

Much to my surprise the hardest part was how to capture the audio information of your PC.
After some digging I ended up with the most excellent BASS audio library of Un4seen.
It's very well documented and very easy to integrate in your own projects.
Luckily some examples where included how a graphic equaliser works because that stuff gets pretty theoretical very fast ! (and I had no clue)

The idea is to build a large - but low-res - custom LED wall (or hey ... a T-shirt you know) to replace the current 8x8 LED matrix. I have something wandering my mind of a panel, 60cm width and 240 cm high, with 8x16 or even 16x32 RGB led-boxes.
We'll see what resolution I can achieve and what will run out first: my mind, my time or my budget :-)

Tags: Gadgets, in English, ProgrammingGeef je reactie (0)